The Simes bulkhead is a fixture of great historical importance as it was the very first product that SIMES presented to the market back in 1973. More specifically the oval bulkhead Plafoniere with the protective front grill was the very first item to go into production and immediately successful on the international market allowing SIMES to take the first steps towards what it is today.
The bulkhead Plafoniere range was developed over the years so to cover various forms and sizes. During the years the light sources were also replaced from the traditional incandescent lamps of the 70', to Mercury vapor discharge lamps, up until the 90' when the flourescent source was introduced and still present in the current catalogue. Simes has now developed a new generation of bulkheads: whilst the design remains unchanged they are fitted with the latest LED technology. (below images of the bulkhead Plafoniere range).
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