Tiltable Microprojector

Light to reveal the landscape


Flower is a tiltable micro projector suitable for gardens to light up flower beds, planters, low level vegetation. Nevertheless, it can be used to punctually enhance some details of the architecture, bringing them to light.
Flower adjustable mini-spotlight 02
Fixed and adjustable optics.


Flower is proposed in 2 versions for a total amount of 4 dimensions: the smallest spotlights are of Ø25 e Ø35 diameters, and have fixed postponed optics to ensure the maximum visual comfort; then there are other 2 multi focal projectors of Ø60 e Ø75 diameter, and they offer the possibility to adjust the  beam opening even when aready installed. They can easily switch from a a concentrated SPOT 15° beam to a large FLOOD 45° : the beam angle variation thus takes place smoothly and gradually, just through a manual rotation of the front ring. This kind of setting enables the beam to perfectly suit the scene to be illuminated.
Flower ZOOM:
from 15° to 45°

From narrow beam for an aiming light to wide beam for more diffused light.

Flower Zoom’s Spot 15° ensures high cone precision of light characterized by an absolutely comfortable and glare-free distribution.In Flood 45° mode, Flower Zoom succeeds to involve a very wide scene without defining a focal point but distributing the light extremely evenly on the surface. 


The high CRI ensures a realistic perception of colors and materials even in the outdoor space


Flower adjustable mini-spotlight product




Flower on wall
The whole range in 4 versions is conceived to be installed on wall. Thanks to their material finishes and natural colors, Flower and Flower Zoom disappear in any context, easily anchoring to facades, pergolas and gazebos, disappearing as a whole in camouflage of shapes and colors.


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Flower on pole


Flower and Flower ZOOM pole attached are flexible and innovative lighting solutions to light up green areas, bushed and walkways.


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Flower bollard with stake


The pole version stands out for its graceful and slender design camouflaging inside flower boxes, flowerbeds, bushes and shrubs. Flower and Flower ZOOM combine aesthetics with lighting performances that are further expanded by the possibility of changing the beam width with the ZOOM version.

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Flower on stake


A simple solution for garden installation. The stake version is very easy to install. It is possible to apply Flower directly into the green, to light up the surrounding area.

Flower adjustable mini-spotlight 01



Flower with arm


Designed specifically for facade lighting of signs, architectural elements, vertical gardens, Flower and Flower ZOOM with arm meet specific design needs with well-defined light effects with narrow and medium beam
(Flower 35) or modular beam (Flower ZOOM 60).

Both Flower and Flower Zoom can also be anchored to the floor and be used as a thin adjustable bollard.

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Flower and Flower ZOOM Brochure

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